Here are notes from the second day of the conference:
Inspiration over Perspiration: Java App Deployment for the 21st century, Axel Fontaine:
- deploying machine image instead of deploying application artifact on server stack,
- there is problem though – machine images are too big to send them over the net,
- running servers in production should be like backpacking – take only bare minimum that’s needed to run application,
- bare minimum set: application, application server, language, libraries and OS kernel (that’s bootable pack, up to 100MB),
- alternatives: Iaas/Paas, Docker/Packer, OSV by Cisco (not production ready though),
- easy to start -> boxfuse up war file,
- runs on VM using e.g. VMWare,
- nice support to track running images,
- easy way to run the image in the cloud – but requires reasonable and stable network connection
- logging in the cloud – logstash, logentries,
- advantages: focus on solution application, promote images – do not do patching, less is more – better minimum, what is tested is what i want to run,
- drawbacks: adds complication orchestrating couple of dedicated services.
Patterns for Organic Architecture – let it grow!, Jarosław Pałka:
- architexture is a process,
- you can’t reason about what you can’t measure,,
- sow and cherish
- capture data about system:
- find stable parst of system in SCM
- Michael Feathers quadrant: uglystables, designflaw, tools and breedinggrounds,
- find fragile parts of the system,
- show hidden dependencies of the system,
- refactoring:
- not always good :),
- is it worth it?,
- technical debt -> give it a MEANING,
- don’t ask for permissions,
- visualise – but not everything, focus on limited number of metrics,
- capture data about system:
- sow and harvest
- modularization into stable parts of the system,
- set up rules to split the code,
- no big design upfront (step by step),
- simply you don’t know every answer to question,
- composting
- complexity will arise – it is still growing,
- know how users use application,
- know features that are in use,
- tools to track the code (logs, instrumentation, aspects, bug tracker, byteman, support people),
- don’t use expensive tools – you are the developer, use your creativity,
- do not comment out the code – just throw it away (scm will remember),
- gains: shorter feedback!
- do not sacrifice resilience of the system for developers’ short-term productivity.
Hazelcast 3 – In-Memory DataGrid, Christoph Engelbert:
- Collection API, Concurrency API and map reduce,
- data partitioning and distribution – automatic discovery of nodes through multicast,
- executor service to run task (one can specify node to run a task),
- SQL like queries,
- transaction support,
- link to project.
How to get started with Scala with examples, Jacek Laskowski:
I haven’t seen the presentation from the beginning. However I had opportunity to see intro to Scalania project. It seems to be a really good thing for people wanting to learn Scala. I’m going to check out the project and work out the exercises. Here is the link to Jacek’s project.